About Pure Platinum MC/SC

Belief in God
Keeping the traditions of the MC lifestyle
Supporting the Community
Be your brother’s keeper
September 2002, PPMC held its first meeting with founding members, Anthony Smith (know then as Hot Boy), president and Corey Boney (Can’t Get Right), vice president. They started the club with only 11 members. It was nearly a year of wearing soft colors before Smith decided his members proved themselves worthy through their excessive thirst for knowledge and demonstration of the PPMC principles set forth by their founders. Within four months, PPMC's membership grew dramatically to a total of 40 members. In 2003, Pure Platinum threw its first successful charity event, supporting Sara Refuge (Battered Women's Shelter) in Duplin County, NC. The event turned out over 250 people, a milestone and learning experience for Smith and the organization. At the charity event, Smith met Hooker who joined the organization as a member and later became his mentor. Even today, Hooker is a major influence, mentor and now lifetime member of Pure Platinum® MC.
Late 2003, PPMC suffered a significant decline in membership, reducing active members from 40 to 15 members. Smith began vigorously researching to learn all he could about the MCs. He began to understand the responsibilities and duties of being an effective president and leader. He began to build the structure of the organization on the basic but effective principals of business. Smith not only realized the importance of his members to actively ride but also how important is it that members ride safely. Anthony later became a founding member of the North Carolina Biker’s Association (NCBA). The NCBA helped Smith to further enhance his knowledge and experience with the fundamentals. The NCBA significantly influenced Anthony in his wisdom and understanding. NCBA gave Anthony the structure to apply his skills and knowledge to making Pure Platinum® MC one of the fastest growing motorcycle clubs in the nation today.
Smith's affiliation with other motorcycle clubs earned him the experience of leadership through respect and protocol combined with his knowledge of business and structure, he established Pure Platinum's first female club in Salisbury, NC. In 2004, Wilmington and Charlotte, NC chapters were added. In 2006, PPSC Salisbury held its first Gospel Fest, a charity event in the community.
In 2008, while the organization experienced increase in membership, tragedy struck. Hearts grew heavy with grief when learning of the death of Norman (Stormin' Norman) Lowery, PPMC Wilmington, NC President. In honor of Norman and all fallen members, Pure Platinum® incorporates the wearing of memorial patches as a symbol for those that are gone but not forgotten. This is an act inspired simply by the closeness that the Pure Platinum® members have for each other. "We truly are a family," says Smith.
After mourning the death of their brother, Norman, Smith began internalizing plans for growth to span across the country. Smith’s ambition resulted in establishing PPMC first chapter in Fredericksburg, VA in 2009 followed by the establishment of the Fayetteville, NC chapter. 2009 also ushered in Pure Platinum’s first sister club in Jacksonville, NC known as The Get Them Girls, an all-female MC who became members of PPMC later in 2011.
2011 brought in a new year with the establishment of the Greenville, SC chapter and the Havelock and Newbern, NC Chapter. As the Pure Platinum® Family began to expand, Because of Pure Platinum MC's popularity and rapid growth, the organization began capturing the attention of many woman who were interested in supporting the club but did not wish to become riders. Smith then launched Pure Platinum’s first social club in Raleigh, NC. Anthony made sure that SC members understood their purpose. The Social Club consists women members whose mission is to:
Support their Pure Platinum Family
Organize and help facilitate community and charity events
Assist in the recruitment of new members and public relations
The Pure Platinum® family further expanded its membership in 2012
with the establishment of the Virginia Beach, Petersburg, VA chapters and the
Hinesville, GA chapter. In 2013, Pure Platinum added to the family the
following new chapters: Atlanta, GA, Detroit, MI, North Cal, CA, Brooklyn, NY
and Salisbury, NC. 13 years ago, one man’s dream materialized and the Pure
Platinum® Family was born. Today we have over 38 chapters
nationwide. Make no mistake, Smith’s aspirations do not stop
here. Plans are in the making to continue taking The Pure
Platinum® Family worldwide in the near future.
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